
Welcome to the website for the book Handbook of Regression Modeling in People Analytics by Keith McNulty.

Handbook of Regression Modeling Cover

Note: This book is published by Chapman & Hall/CRC and can be purchased directly from their website at a 20% discount using discount code HRM20, as well as from Amazon and other book retailers. Please consider buying this book if you find it useful - all the author’s royalties are donated to the Red Cross Ukraine Appeal. The online version of this book is free to read here (thanks to Chapman & Hall/CRC), and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you have any feedback, please feel free to file an issue on GitHub. Thank you!

This book is available in bootstrap format and, for those who prefer, in a more plain gitbook format.

Notes on data used in this book

For R, Python and Julia users, each of the data sets used in this book can be downloaded individually by following the code in each chapter. Alternatively, packages containing all the data sets used in this book are now available in R and Python. For R users, install and load the peopleanalyticsdata R package.

# install peopleanalyticsdata package

# see a list of data sets
data(package = "peopleanalyticsdata")

# find out more about a specific data set ('managers' example)

For Python users , use pip install peopleanalyticsdata to install the package into your environment. Then, to use the package:

# import peopleanalyticsdata package
import peopleanalyticsdata as pad
import pandas as pd

# see a list of data sets

# load data into a dataframe
df = pad.managers()

# find out more about a specific data set ('managers' example)

Happy modeling!

Last update: 20 January 2025